6 Ways to Feel Gratitude in Challenging Times

Discovering Gratitude Amidst Challenges: Unveiling 6 Powerful Ways to Cultivate Thankfulness During Difficult Times

Katy Morin


Times of trouble can make it more difficult to find gratitude in your heart. They can make you turn to anger or resentment. However, you can still show gratitude despite challenging issues in your life.

In my darkest days, the most simple of tasks became an insurmountable mountain, I could not see how lucky I was until I discovered the power of gratitude and started to keep a gratitude journal every night.

If challenging times are affecting your ability to see gratitude, consider these ideas:

1. Search for the positive.

You may be going through a stressful or difficult period, but it shouldn’t stop you from seeing positive things.

What are the positive areas in your life that aren’t being affected by your current challenges? Do you still have your home and health? Do you still have something to eat every day?

○ By focusing on the positive aspects of your life, you’ll find areas in which you can still feel thankful.

2. Treasure the small details.

It’s easy to lose sight of the small details if you’re overwhelmed by a difficult situation at home or work. However, you'll welcome gratitude back if you learn to treasure the details.

○ Are you happy with a new paint color at home? Are you proud of a small project at work? Did you finish a long book? These small details can make a big difference in your gratitude levels.

○ You can show appreciation for the little things by listing everything that needs your love.

3. Search for joy.

It’s important to add joy to your daily schedule. Watch a comedy, read a comic book, or share jokes with friends. Add laughter to your routine.

○ Laughter can help you notice the areas that need gratitude.



Katy Morin

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