5 Techniques to Strengthen Your Self-Confidence

With the proper knowledge and techniques, you can find your confidence again.

Katy Morin
3 min readOct 30, 2022
Photo by Alana Sousa: https://www.pexels.com/photo/happy-woman-with-curly-hair-near-flowers-7523506/

Social anxiety is a disorder where one has an unreasonable and intense fear of being scrutinized or judged by others in social situations. It’s a problem that can affect us all, but people with social anxiety tend to experience its symptoms more intensely.

1. Practice thinking positively.

It can be hard to imagine a situation going well when you have social anxiety. We’re so used to focusing on what could go wrong that we don’t always think about the positive things that could happen. And this tends to make us worry even more.

We need to learn how to shift out of our negative mindset and into a more positive one. I’m not saying you should be overly optimistic or ignore all your concerns. Still, it’s helpful to spend some time thinking about positive outcomes when feeling anxious or stressed about a situation. For example, if you have a presentation coming up where you’re nervous, try to think of positive outcomes, such as having a good time with the people in your group.

2. Recognize that it’s just anxiety.



Katy Morin

Empowering you to crush your social fears while being the REAL you!